Monday, November 16, 2009

Google AdSense Marketing Strategy Explained

Google AdSense allows businesses to have their ads displayed on several websites. Basically the host websites get paid a specific amount every time visitors click on the ads. For many this might be the best and most cost effective way of advertising as they only pay for highly interested leads that click on their advertisements. In addition, this method of advertisement allows website owners to have an extra stream of income. There are three questions that I think most people new to Google usually have. Below you'll find the answers as a way to help you with your research on Google AdSense.

Question 1: What exactly are channels?

Channels are comprehensive reports from which the advertisers are able to monitor how their ad campaigns are performing. They'll be able to see which ads are doing better as well as what websites are leading them the most traffic.

There are two types of channels, URL, and Custom. The URL channel requires you to enter the URL you would like to track. Of course it gives you the flexibility to track the whole website or certain pages of it. In contrast, the Custom channel allows you to track certain information from a particular ad for you to compare and analyze.

Question 2: If I do allow ads on my site, when is it that I would get paid?

Google AdSense pays you once you have accumulated $100 or more in your account balance. If your balance is less than $100, your payment will not be made until you have accumulated at least $100 in your account. Fortunately, Google gives you the option as to whether you want your earnings directly deposited to your bank account or simply receive a check within 30 days of the previous month.

Question 3: Do I get to choose the advertisements for my website?

Your website's content pretty much determines what advertisement Google will be choosing for you. However, you do get the chance to play around with the Competitive Ad Filter in the AdSense Setup tab. This will allow you to filter what specific content from your website you want ads displayed on.

Overall, you could make some decent money from Google AdSense, but it all depends on your website's traffic and your content. Getting started is easy, go to and sign up. You should be able to find additional guidance or answers to more of your questions right from the Google AdSense website.

Mario Remedios is an accountant and business coach who enjoys helping entrepreneurs improve their bottom line. Learn how to take your business to the next level and take advantage of the latest business tips by visiting

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