If you are an Internet marketer who has been using Google AdSense as a source of income, you may have noticed that a lot of changes with Google have affected your earnings. If you would like to keep earning decent income from your blogs and other sites, you may want to look into some Google AdSense alternatives. There are some alternatives which you can use immediately to replace the sagging income a lot of us are experiencing with AdSense.
AdBrite can offer you a lot of the same ad formats that you are used to from using Google. AdBrite also has interstitial page ads which will allow you to monetize more types of traffic and not just traffic cliques. AdBrite doesn't discriminate against publishers because of their size, and welcomes bloggers both experienced and beginners. You will find the ability to sell ads to your visitors a welcome change over AdSense.
In many instances, the small publisher is left out in the cold when it comes to making money with advertising opportunities. One company which will take you without regard to the size of your site is Clicksor. This company not only gives you ads which can be clicked based on keywords, they also serve ads which are content based. This gives you more opportunity to earn money, especially if you're a blogger.
Chitika will give you yet another stream of revenue by placing ads on your site for actual products. You won't be using regular text links. You'll be using their special product boxes which display products related to your site's content. You'll earn commission for each sale made from a click which originates from your site. This makes Chitika a great supplemental income source.
Yahoo created their own ad network called the Yahoo Publisher Network. This service is pretty much an attempt to copy what Google has done, but it hasn't taken off nearly as well. If you have used AdSense, then you know what is in store for you with the Yahoo version.
Adtoll is a worthwhile advertiser which offers something a little interesting. They offer Peel Away Ads along with their regular ads which rest at the top corner of the site. It looks like the website is peeling, so naturally the visitor will move the cursor over the curled page, only to be presented with an ad. It's an attractive and fun ad technique.
Finding Google AdSense alternatives which best suit your needs is going to take a little work on your part. There are plenty of ad networks out there. To find the ones which you like best, you'll have to assess your needs and pair them up with the networks which fit in comfortably with your site.
Buford Mobley is a successful web based entrepreneur who has written a series of articles on AdSense. He also offers valuable information about web based marketing strategies on his website NetBizForNewbies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Buford_Mobley
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