Monday, November 16, 2009

Tips for Improving AdSense Performance

This program is useful for users of Google AdSense

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Tear Down the Borders

Remove borders on your AdSense ads. Web visitors eyes wander around the screen; borders stop them from wandering.

Removing borders from your AdSense ads can lead to a significant boost in CTR.

Use Matching Fonts

Match the font of your site content to the fonts of your AdSense ads

Use Matching Colors

Match the colors of your AdSense ads to the colors of your site content. Make the ads look like content and more visitors will look at them.

One exception to the color matching rule is sites that are designed to appeal to scammers and spammers. Those sites sometimes perform better with highly contrasting colors.

Use Blue Links

Another exception to the color matching rule is to set the links in your AdSense ads to blue. Blue links tend to have a higher CTR than other link colors, because people have become used to clicking blue links.

Use Large Ads

Larger ads outperform smaller ads. Wider ads also outperform more narrow ads.

The Large Rectangle (336x280) is the best performing ad unit.

Use Lots of Ads

Google allows you to use three ad units and one link unit on each page.

Use them all. The more ads you have, the higher your Page CTR will be.

Place Ads Above the Fold

"The fold" is industry jargon for "the part of the page that the user sees without scrolling down". This will vary depending upon the resolution of the users screen and the size of their browser window.

Place as many ads as possible above the fold. Ads placed below the fold are seldom seen and seldom clicked.

Place Ads on the Left

Web users are accustomed to seeing menus on the left side of the web page. Move your menu to the right and place your AdSense ads on the left.

Use the Heat Map

Use the Google AdSense Heat Map to determine where to place ads. The darker spots are areas where users spend more time looking. Place your ads in the darker areas.

Integrate Ads with Content

Visitors will be reading your content. Keeps your ads as close to your content as possible to ensure that the visitors also look at your ads.

Use Custom Channels

Use AdSense's Custom Channels to test the performance of different ad sizes, placements, colors and fonts.

Don't use Low-Paying Competing Ads

Don't clutter your page with competing ads that don't pay. If a user clicks on an ad that pays you $.01, they are not clicking on an ad that pays you $.30.

Use URL Channels

Use AdSense URL Channels to determine which pages are making you the highest CTR, CPM, and earnings। Focus your efforts on building pages like those।

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Website Content & Usability

Writing for the web is totally different to writing for printed matter. We tend to scan content on the web hunting for the information we're after, as opposed to reading word-for-word. As a result of this, there are certain guidelines you should be sure to follow when writing copy for your website:

1. Use clear and simple language

Reading from computer screens is tiring for the eyes and about 25% slower than reading from printed matter. As such, the easier the style of writing the easier it is for site visitors to absorb your words of wisdom.

Some techniques for using clear and simple language include:

- Avoid slang or jargon - Get your grandmother and ten year old nephew to read your site - if both can understand the page content you've done well!

- Use shorter words where possible - ‘Begin' rather than ‘commence', ‘used to' rather than ‘accustomed to' etc.

- Avoid complex sentence structures - Try to include just one idea or concept per sentence

- Use active ahead of passive words - ‘We won the award' is shorter and easier to comprehend than, ‘The award was won by us'

2. Limit each paragraph to one idea

If you assign just one idea to each paragraph site visitors can:

- Easily scan through each paragraph

- Get the general gist of what the paragraph is about

- Then move on to the next paragraph

All this and without fear that they'll be skipping over important information, because they will already know roughly what the paragraph is about.

Limiting each paragraph to just one idea is especially effective when combined with front-loading paragraph content.

3. Front-load content

Front-loading content means putting the conclusion first, followed by the what, how, where, when and why. The first line of each paragraph should contain the conclusion for that paragraph, so site visitors can:

- Quickly scan through the opening sentence

- Instantly understand what the paragraph is about

- Decide if they want to read the rest of the paragraph or not

Because each paragraph contains just one idea, users can do all this safe in the knowledge that if they jump to the next paragraph they won't be missing any new concepts.

Front-loading also applies to web pages, as well as paragraphs. The opening paragraph on every page should always contain the conclusion of that page. This way, site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the page is about and decide whether they want to read the page or not.

Unfortunately many websites don't adhere to this guideline and end up writing page content in a story-format. On each page there's an introduction, middle and conclusion, in that order. Unfortunately, when scanning through web content we don't tend to read all the text nor read all the way to the bottom of the screen. As such, you may easily miss the conclusion if it's left until the end.

So remember, conclusion first, everything else second! For a great example of front-loaded content, just read any newspaper article. The opening paragraph is always the conclusion of the article.

4. Use descriptive sub-headings

Breaking up text with descriptive sub-headings allows site visitors to easily see what each section of the page is about. The main heading on the page provides a brief overall view of what page is about, and the opening paragraph gives a brief conclusion of the page (because you've front-loaded the page content). Within the page though, there are various sub-themes which can be quickly put across with sub-headings.

There's no hard and fast rule for how frequently to use sub-headings, but you should probably be roughly aiming for one sub-heading every two to four paragraphs. More importantly though, the sub-headings should group on-page content into logical groups, to allow site visitors to easily access the information that they're after.

5. Bolden important words

Another way to help users locate information quickly and easily is to bolden important words in some paragraphs. When site visitors scan through the screen this text stands out to them, so do make sure the text makes sense out of context.

Bolden two to three words which describe the main point of the paragraph, and not words on which you're placing emphasis. By seeing these boldened words site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the paragraph is about and decide whether or not they want to read it.

6. Use descriptive link text

In the same way that bold text stands out to screen-scanning web users, so does link text. Link text such as ‘click here' makes no sense whatsoever out of context so is useless to site visitors scanning web pages. To find out the destination of the link, site visitors have to hunt through the text both before and after the link text.

7. Use lists

Lists are preferable to long paragraphs because they:

- Allow users to read the information vertically rather than horizontally

- Are easier to scan

- Are less intimidating

- Are usually more succinct

8. Left-align text

Left-aligned text is easier to read than justified text, which in turn is easier to read than centre- or right-aligned text.

When reading through justified text the spacing between each word is different so our eyes have to search for the next word. This slows down our reading speed. Right- and centre-aligned paragraphs slow down reading speed even more because each time you finish reading one line your eye has to search for the beginning of the next line.


These eight guidelines are nothing revolutionary nor are they difficult to implement. Yet so many websites structure their content so poorly to the detriment of their site visitors. Have a quick look over your website now - how does it do with regards to these content guidelines?

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How To Find Hot Niche Markets

Working out what your niche market will be to start your home business is something that can elicit much excitement. This is when you can put all those great ideas you have had for your business into a plan of action. Give yourself a number of options to work over. Some will be great and some won't fit. Get more than one so you always have a back up when you start a home business.

Look to 3 sources for ideas:

* A hobby you love: You won't find many hobbies from which you can't build a business. And since you enjoy doing it, it won't be tedious to "go to work" every day. When you pick something for your business that you sincerely like, you will have fun at doing it.

* Your experiences: In life we go though many experiences and you can use these to build a business. For example if you have raised children you can then put all your parenting experience together and start a business related to parenting.

* Your talents: Everyone has one or more talents within them. Dig down and see what yours are. You can start a freelance business using your talents.

Defining your niche market:

1. List out some ideas then put them in the order of what you like the best.

2. Go to the site listed here and put a key word into the overture suggestion tool box: This will bring up the amount of searches that have been done for your keyword and will represent demand.

3. If you search out that same key word on Google search engine then you will see websites supplying that item and you will know how many competitors are out there that will be competing with you when you start a home business.

4. If you find a topic that is demanded in quantity but low in the suppliers, you will then make money. This should be your special market for which you do your niche marketing. You will make more money with a niche market as you will reduce and sometimes even eliminate competition. Go through your list of ideas until you narrow it down to about

5. Then go through them again and see which one will fit into a niche market.

Establishing your USP:

Once you have found the concept that fits into a specialized or niche market it is time to establish your USP, Unique, Selling, Point. This is when you will take your idea, and see how you will make your business uniquely different from your competitors. Often neglected, finding the USP is something that new business owners need to do to set their item above the competition. Online businesses are very competitive and you have to stay ahead of the game.

There are two reasons you need to set yourself up as different from others:

1. Get ahead of your competitors

2. To clearly define to your potential customers why your product and service is better than your competitors.

Deciding on your business model:

Part of your business concept will not only be consolidating your ideas but also choosing your business model. There are a few that you can choose from:

* Affiliate marketing-Getting involved with affiliate programs will target your efforts

* Network marketing (MLM)- again this will target your market and idea.

* Marketing-taking the product and selling it

* Service- you should use your talents, which includes freelancing.

You can see there are a number of things you will have to do to get your business concept into operation. But it's worth it to plan and take care in developing it. It will be your foundation, after all.

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Project Black Mask - Scam?

The author of Affiliate Project X and Day Job Killer has just come out with another product, this one written by other people, including Alex Goad, infamous Black Hatter who makes a killing gaming the search engines.

Project Black Mask is not for the fainthearted, as it employs some notorious "black hat" strategies to suck traffic from the search engines. Essentially, PBM teaches exactly how some of the biggest search-engine spammers pull off getting thousands of pages and websites indexed in order to earn money from Google Adsense.

Unfortunately, there are some serious issues with this whole search-engine game - the first of which is that this type of behavior, considered highly unethical in some quarters, has caused Google and other search engines to tighten their algorithms so much that white or gray hat sites are getting penalized as well, e.g., for "duplicate content."

Furthermore, as I read Project Black Mask, I kept asking, "How do you keep your Adsense account from being canceled?" PBM provides no real answer to this problem - yet, the chances of losing your account appear to be pretty good if you're uploading thousands and thousands of pages of spammy content that include your Adsense ID in them. In PBM, Goad refers to "Adsense accounts" in the plural, but, unless you are opening up accounts in the name of several shell companies, for example, I don't see how you could have more than one account.

Most of the techniques are not for me, but there was some really good information regarding building large keyword lists, as well as other very useful information concerning internet marketing strategies in general.

In any event, if you like living on the edge and dangerously, you may like Project Black Mask. Even if you don't want to implement the black-hat methods, you will likely gain some useful insights into how money is made online.

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Pay-Per-Click Fraud Exposed

Has anyone else noticed a disturbing pattern in your pay-per-click advertising campaign, of the same IP addresses clicking on your ad, spending one or two seconds on your website and then leaving?

That's called click fraud and it's a major problem among all of the pay-per-click search engines.

Click fraud is a scheme that takes advantage of online advertising programs like those offered by Google, Yahoo/Overture, Findwhat and others. A fraudulent website is set up and participates in programs like Google's AdSense program. Unlike legitimate websites that attract human visitors to the site, fraudsters use software "hitbots" or employ boiler-rooms of low-wage employees from other countries to generate clicks on ads, and then collect commission from pay-per-click programs.

In June, a federal grand jury returned an indictment against Michael Anthony Bradley 32, of Oak Park California who was charged with fraud and extortion for a scheme involving Google's pay-per-click program. Believe it or not, Bradley actually tried to extort Google into paying $100,000 for click fraud software he created called "Google Clique."

Click fraud hurts advertisers by driving up the cost of each click because many online advertising programs adjust the price of each click based on the popularity of a particular keyword and the number of competing advertisers. And depending on how popular your keyword is, it can take just a few minutes to register hundreds of clicks. Click fraud can quickly deplete your pay-per-click account and leave you with little or nothing to show for your expentiture.

In a recent filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Google acknowledged, "We are exposed to the risk of fraudulent clicks on our ads. We have regularly paid refunds related to fraudulent clicks and expect to do so in the future. If we are unable to stop this fraudulent activity, these refunds may increase. If we find new evidence of past fraudulent clicks, we may have to issue refunds retroactively of amounts previously paid to our Google Network members."

Now, in all fairness to the pay-per-click companies I've used in the past, I have to give credit where credit is due. Whenever I complained of click fraud, which was often, all of the pay-per-click companies, without exception, did the right thing and credited the stolen funds back into to my account. Ironically, I have not had a click fraud problem with Google.

You can reduce your risk of being victimized by click fraud, by regularly auditing your website’s log files and immediately reporting suspicious traffic to the pay-per-click companies. If you are unfamiliar with analyzing your site’s log files, there are some excellent software products available to assist you like ClickTracks, WebTrends, and AWStats. These products make it fairly easy to identify patterns in your website's traffic.

Recently, I noticed the same IP number clicking on my ad over and over again--often many times within just a few minutes. I did some basic detective work and discovered it was actually a competitor of mine devouring my pay-per-click dollars. I approached him with my findings and threatened him with law enforcement intervention, if he didn't cease and desist. He denied any involvement, of course. But I haven't had any problems with that individual since.

So, how did I find out who the culprit was? Easy.

When checking your log files, if you notice a lot of clicks from one IP address, you can trace its origin by visiting the American Registry of Internet Numbers. By feeding the IP address into their "Whois" search, they will tell you who has been assigned that IP address, and whether it's an actual IP or another business entity.

Should the IP address not be assigned to the Americas, you can verify RIPE Network Coordination Center for all Russian, European, and Middle Eastern registries, or the Asia Pacific Network Information Center. There are only three such sites, so you should be able to track the source.

However, if someone is using sophisticated software to generate clicks on your ad, it will probably be impossible for you to trace the IP address yourself. For example, according to alleged Google extortionist, Michael Bradley, "Holland Engine software was originaly written to allow spammers to conceal their orginating IP address from mailservers and to keep it from apearing in e-mail headers.

Holland Engine is the core of LincolnSX, the most powerful mass-emailing software, running at rates of 5 million e- mails per day per machine. Holland Engine will actually tunnel through the internet and connect to the desired IP address from, not your IP but rather from another, the one at the end of the tunnel."

In conclusion, if you choose to use pay-per-click search engines to advertise, watch your log files closely and report improprieties immediately.

Also don't put all of your eggs into one basket, by depending solely on pay-per-click advertising. Utilize a variety of ways to attract traffic to your website, such as ezines, newsletters, writing articles, offline advertising, etc.

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Find and Start a Niche Marketing Website

You have probably heard the term Niche Marketing without realizing just what that is and heard how others are building profitable websites using Niche Marketing.

Niche marketing is finding a opportunity on the internet that people are interested enough to search for information on the subject. Most larger companies and websites don't bother with niches because there satisfied with the products or services they render and don't want to spend the time marketing. But for the average person it is a dream come true researching and finding a niche that has lots of searches with little competition to contend with can reward profits.

All niche markets are started by implementing a keyword search. This is the starting point of finding niche opportunities. What you are looking for is a high ratio of searches in a small market that have little competition.

Wordtracker or a software that will tell you the number of searches and how many results were returned on the search engines for that keyword or phrase is essential.

The second part of the equation is to find content for your web site that is related to the niche or target market.The possibilities for content are article directories,private label articles, and content pulling software.

Third you need to get a domain name preferably a name that has your niche keyword or is related to your niche.

Once you have built your mini site, sales page or a full blown web site and have all this in place you want to drive some traffic to your web site by using SEO techniques to optimize your web pages, purchasing some advertising like Google Adsense or pay per clicks, blogging to get listed and indexed faster just to mention a few.

There are several ways to make money with your new niche market web site.

1.You can sell some products of your own that are related to your niche like information ebooks.

2.You can join affiliate programs and advertise there products on your web pages for a percentage of the sales.

3.You can get a Google Adsense account and run there ads on your site and share the profits from clicks Google receives when someone clicks on one of your google ads.

Keep in mind that in order to highly profit from a niche product or market you may need many niche web sites, not relying on just one or a few while implementing all of the above three steps to make it worth your while.

The only initial investment required are for domain names,and hosting which can be satisfied by having one account with subdomains to your niche markets. Be prepared to also invest your time as well because niche marketing can become a full blown but profitable business.

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New Frontier of Professional Blogging Excitement

Professional blogging is a very new idea with a lot of potential for entrepreneurs who have insight, drive, and a basic understanding of today's innovative web technology. The ranks of so-called pro bloggers are still quite small, and there are very few people who make their living entirely off of their blogs. However, every day there are more and more people who have managed to turn their weblogs into cash cows that supplement their income. The number of pro bloggers is growing by leaps and bounds, but it is difficult to say whether this trend will continue.

Many bloggers dream of entering the sphere of professional blogging. There are very few people who happily devote an hour or more each day to their blog without at least occasionally wishing that they could earn some kind of financial reward for all of their work. Several models exist for making money with a blog, the most popular being to sell advertising space through Google's AdSense program or directly to a company that wishes to reach the demographic that your blog appeals to. However, there are very few people indeed who can make a comfortable living just by selling space on their blog sidebars.

A lot of the people who read weblogs are bloggers themselves, in part because of the fact that the people who use blogging technology on a daily basis are most likely to be interested in what other writers are doing with the medium. This fact begins to explain why the people who succeed in the world of professional blogging are mostly people who have devoted themselves almost entirely to learning about, talking about, and writing about blogging. More than any other topic, pro bloggers turn their attention to the phenomenon of blogging itself. A lot of pro bloggers make the topic of blogging the stunningly self-reflexive ongoing focus of their blogs.

Of course, professional blogging is destined to become much more complicated in the future than it is today. In the current moment, pro bloggers who attract the largest audiences and make the most money are mostly concerned with investigating the blogging movement and with offering advice to amateur bloggers. However, as the kinds of people who regularly read blogs changes, and the demographics of bloggers expand and diversify as blogging software becomes more user friendly, it is very likely indeed that the world of pro blogging will begin to reflect these changes. Indeed, it is very difficult to predict exactly what kinds of blogs will be reaping the greatest financial rewards five or ten years down the road. The world of pro blogging is one of constant change and flux, which is part of what makes it so exciting.

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Do You Want To Be A Pilot In The United States?

I receive many emails requesting information about becoming an airline pilot in the United States. This article addresses many of the general questions I receive about the types of pilot careers, salaries, FAA requirements, training, advancement opportunities and the employment outlook for pilots.

(Please note that the commercial pilot industry is very competitive, particularly since 9/11. The information gathered for this article was sourced mainly from government labour research organizations, noted at the end of the article).


There are four general types of pilot careers: 1. Commercial Airline Pilots 2. Agricultural Pilots 3. Helicopter Pilots 4. Photogrammetry Pilots


4 out of 5 pilots Commercial Airline Pilots in the US are responsible for transporting cargo and/or passengers. The other 20% of commercial pilots have positions involved in search and rescue, testing aircraft, flight instruction or examination, monitoring car traffic or tracking criminals. Some commercial pilots also fly agricultural planes, described below in more detail.

There are generally three categories of careers for commercial airline pilots: the Pilot, or the Captain is the most senior officer and supervises the flight crew; the Co-Pilot, called the First Officer, who assists the captain; and the Flight Engineer, or Second Officer, who assists the other pilots and performs such tasks as monitoring and operating instruments. Most aircraft fly with only two pilots as computerized equipment is replacing the need for flight engineers in modern, more sophisticated planes.

About 75% of pilots fly 75 hours a month, and spend about 75 hours completing non-flying work responsibilities. About 25% of pilots work more than 40 hours per week.


Agricultural Pilots fly helicopters or airplanes and are typically responsible for dusting crops, distributing seeds for reforestation, fighting forest fires, inspecting pipelines, or distributing fish into lakes.


Helicopter pilots provide a variety of services working for businesses and government. Areas of specialty include traffic monitoring, oil and gas exploration, pipeline monitoring, logging, construction, agriculture, search and rescue, emergency medical transport, law enforcement, and newsgathering. Other helicopter pilot positions are available for corporate or travel charter.


Photogrammetry Pilots specialize at flying at specific altitudes and speeds suitable for aerial photography. Aerial photography is used for mapping the earth’s surface, real estate purposes, and business or government research requirements.


The median annual income of all commercial pilots in the US is $43,300. The highest 10% of earners earned more than $92,000 and the lowest 10% of earners made less than $24,000.

Pilots’ salaries vary widely depending on the aircraft used, the number of hours and miles flown, and whether or not the pilot works for an airline. Earnings for airline pilots are among the highest in the country.

The median annual income of commercial airline pilots is $110,940, and over 25% earned more than $145,000. The lowest 10% of commercial airline pilots earned less than $36,110. Senior pilots are among the highest paid earners in the US.

In addition to traditional income, pilots earn a "per diem" or expense allowance for every hour that they are away from their base city. This per diem can be up to $500 per month. Further, pilots and their immediate families also enjoy the benefits of significantly reduced air travel and hotel accommodation rates.


Greater than 50% of all aircraft pilots in the US are union members. The majority of pilots that are employed by major airlines belong to the Airline Pilots Association, International, or the ALPA. However, those employed by one national airline are members of the Allied Pilots Association. Additionally, some flight engineers belong to the Flight Engineers' International Association.

Flight route assignments are based on seniority of union membership.


To be employed as a commercial pilot in the United States requires a Federal Air Transport rating and certification for the specific type of aircraft being flown. Helicopter pilots must also be rated and have a commercial pilot’s certificate. Applicants for these licenses must have a minimum of 250 flight hours of experience and be at least 18 years of age. In addition, candidates must pass a physical examination that ensures that they are in good health and that they have good hearing and 20/20 vision either with or without glasses.

The written test for a pilot’s rating includes questions on FAA regulations, the principles of safe flight, and navigation techniques. The certification also requires pilots to demonstrate their flying ability to FAA or FAA approved examiners.

To fly during times of low visibility, pilots must be rated to fly by instruments alone. To qualify for this rating, pilots must pass a written test and are required to have 105 hours of flight experience that includes 40 hours of experience flying exclusively by instruments. This certification requires pilots to demonstrate their ability to fly by instruments alone to FAA or FAA approved examiners.

Commercial Airline pilots have additional licensing requirements. First, airline pilots must have a transport license, which requires applicants to be at least 23 years old and have a minimum of 1,500 flying hours of experience. This experience must include instrument and night flying. Additionally, airline pilots must pass written and flight examinations. Second, airline pilots are usually required to have one or more advanced ratings, such as an aircraft type rating or a multi-engine aircraft rating. This second qualification criteria is dependent upon the types of aircraft the pilot is flying and/or the type of pilot job.

Pilots’ licenses or ratings are valid as long as the pilot passes the period physical exams and flying tests that are required by the Federal Government and the airline company regulations. Medical certificates are issued in 3 classes. A class l certificate is the most rigorous, and requires the highest levels of vision, hearing, equilibrium and health. The Class ll Medical Certificate has less stringent requirements, but still demands a high standard of general health and an excellent medical history. The least rigid classification is the class lll Medical Certificate.


Legally, pilots are not allowed to fly more than 100 hours in any given month, and no more than 1000 hours in any given year. In addition, pilots must be allowed at least 8 hours of uninterrupted rest in the 24 hours before finishing their flight duty. The FAA requires airlines to provide pilots with this rest period to guard against excessive fatigue that could result in an unsafe flight.


There are approximately 600 civilian flying schools in the US that are certified by the FAA. Some colleges and universities also offer FAA certified pilot courses that offer degree credits. In addition, the Armed Forces is a large source of trained pilots for civilian pilot careers.


Many new airline pilots start out as flight engineers or first officers with smaller or regional airlines. Advancement for many pilots may involve transferring from a small airline to a major carrier. However, advancement is typically dependent upon seniority. Flight Engineers can advance according their seniority to First Officer positions after 1 to 5 years of experience. After to 5 to 15 years experiencing, they can advance to Captain positions depending on their seniority.

Some pilots advance to managerial positions, while others advance based on seniority to larger aircraft or better routes or a preferred home base location. Agricultural Pilots can advance into management jobs or become self-employed as independent contractors.


The number of job opportunities for pilots in the US is expected to grow about as fast as the average of overall employment growth from 2003 to 2010. However competition for jobs will continue to be high. Causes that slow growth are a function of mergers and challenges in the airline industry. In addition, advancements in technology reduce the need for Flight Engineers, and video conferencing and teleconferencing reduce the need for business travel.

Some industry analysts predict the need for 27,000 new pilots between 2003 and 2010 as a result of retirement. Many of the pilots who were hired in the 1960’s are now reaching mandatory retirement age, and thus a few thousand job vacancies are expected to arise each year for the next several years. Note that not many pilots retire early because of the high earnings and benefits, and the fact their unique skills are not generally transferable to other careers.

The employment of pilots is sensitive to changes in the economy. Airlines are forced to furlough or temporarily lay-off pilots during periods when the demand for air travel declines. At times of recession, pilots employed in commercial or corporate flying and flight instruction are adversely affected by the downturn in the economy.


Pilots that have the most FAA licenses and that have logged the most number of flying hours on sophisticated aircraft will generally have the best job prospects. Military pilots typically have more experience and licenses than other pilots, and thus have more job opportunities.

It is forecasted that the greatest number of new job openings will come from the regional passenger and cargo airlines, and international carriers. The industry will likely experience a need for more airlines, pilots and flight instructors.

It is also expected that there will be an increasing need for pilots that operate single engine airplanes because more businesses are chartering private aircraft.

Note that women make up approximately 25% of the total number of people employed as pilots in the US and this figure is expected to increase.


The majority of pilot jobs in the US are located in cities with major airline hubs. Most positions are concentrated in Texas, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, California, the District of Columbia, Michigan, Illinois, Washington and Florida. These regions generate the most flights relative to their population size.

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Google AdSense Marketing Strategy Explained

Google AdSense allows businesses to have their ads displayed on several websites. Basically the host websites get paid a specific amount every time visitors click on the ads. For many this might be the best and most cost effective way of advertising as they only pay for highly interested leads that click on their advertisements. In addition, this method of advertisement allows website owners to have an extra stream of income. There are three questions that I think most people new to Google usually have. Below you'll find the answers as a way to help you with your research on Google AdSense.

Question 1: What exactly are channels?

Channels are comprehensive reports from which the advertisers are able to monitor how their ad campaigns are performing. They'll be able to see which ads are doing better as well as what websites are leading them the most traffic.

There are two types of channels, URL, and Custom. The URL channel requires you to enter the URL you would like to track. Of course it gives you the flexibility to track the whole website or certain pages of it. In contrast, the Custom channel allows you to track certain information from a particular ad for you to compare and analyze.

Question 2: If I do allow ads on my site, when is it that I would get paid?

Google AdSense pays you once you have accumulated $100 or more in your account balance. If your balance is less than $100, your payment will not be made until you have accumulated at least $100 in your account. Fortunately, Google gives you the option as to whether you want your earnings directly deposited to your bank account or simply receive a check within 30 days of the previous month.

Question 3: Do I get to choose the advertisements for my website?

Your website's content pretty much determines what advertisement Google will be choosing for you. However, you do get the chance to play around with the Competitive Ad Filter in the AdSense Setup tab. This will allow you to filter what specific content from your website you want ads displayed on.

Overall, you could make some decent money from Google AdSense, but it all depends on your website's traffic and your content. Getting started is easy, go to and sign up. You should be able to find additional guidance or answers to more of your questions right from the Google AdSense website.

Mario Remedios is an accountant and business coach who enjoys helping entrepreneurs improve their bottom line. Learn how to take your business to the next level and take advantage of the latest business tips by visiting

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Is Google AdSense Considered True Affiliate Marketing?

Let's start by defining affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a method of advertising, selling and marketing products on the Internet using an affiliate program. An affiliate is a webmaster who joins a merchant in his or her efforts to sell products or services. This revenue sharing marketing method is a highly efficient and cost-effective way to increase awareness about a particular website and its products and/or services and improve sales generated by the same website, products and/or services.

The affiliate webmaster is often referred to as the "publisher" since this person displays or publishes links or advertisements. This can be done via websites, blogs, emails, RSS feeds or any other means that the merchant finds acceptable. These links or ads provide exposure for the merchant and take the visitors to the merchant's website or to a particular product page when the visitors click on them. The affiliate benefits from this arrangement by receiving a commission or revenue sharing for every sale made through his or her website.

There is also another type of revenue sharing marketing that works on a pay-per-click system where the affiliate gets paid every time a visitor clicks on these links or ads. This is however not the preferred system. Merchants mostly opt for the cost-per-sale or cost per action programs that allow the affiliate to receive remuneration when sales or subscriptions occur by visitors leaving the affiliate site and going to the merchant's site.

Revenue sharing began four years after the birth of the world wide web (www) in late 1994 and many popular and successful e-commerce businesses such as owe a large part of their success to this marketing methods. You should be aware that affiliate marketing is different from multi-level marketing (MLM), although MLM or network marketing companies use methods similar to online affiliate marketing. In addition, Google AdSense is not considered affiliate marketing although it bears resemblance to it. The main difference between Google Adsense and affiliate marketing is that Adsense uses contextual advertising.

Tip: Visit Daniel's blog and learn how to make money as an affiliate marketer using CPA Marketing plus you can download his Free report: "Don't Make The Same Mistakes That 98% Of Other CPA Affiliates Make!"

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Make Money From Home With Google AdSense

I believe Google AdSense is one of the best ways to make money online. AdSense ads are very easy to set on a website or blog and depending on the content just about anyone can make from a few cents up to a couple of dollars per clicks. It sounds very easy and it can be but there are a few things one has to do before expecting money rolling in.

You must promote your blog or website in order to get viewers. There is a lot of competition to get readers and you have to be very active at promoting your site or blog in order to get results. There are many methods to promote your website or blog. I will break it down into two parts. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and other.

Search Engine Optimization involves ranking well in the search engines and show up on the first page of Google, Yahoo, MSN. The one search engine that most webmasters aim for is Google since it is the most visited search engine at this time. Google utilizes several factors to rank sites well, but the most important one is link building. Basically if other sites have a link pointing your site then it shows that your site is popular and it will rank well in the SERPS. How many links do you have to have in order to rank well in the SERPS depends mostly on how competitive your particular keyword is. The broader the keyword the more links you will need to rank well, the more specific the keyword the less competition you will find and the less links you will need. You may need a couple hundred links to rank well or you may thousands or millions, it all depends so be realistic on your goal and make sure you have short term goals and long term goals. You may build links by posting on forums, commenting on blogs, or websites. Writing articles, it may take some time but it will pay off in the end.

Other methods of promoting a website or blog also include submitting your site to social bookmarkings such as Digg, Reddit, Mixx. There are some programs where you may submit your site to many social bookmarkings at once, I for instance use Onlywire and so far so good, I also ping my blog to the site Ping-o_matic to let the search engines know that I have updated my blog.

The placing of ads is also very important. I would suggest to place a banner on top of the content and one on the side. Make sure your ads match the color of your content so the AdSense ads do not stand out too much and may drive readers away.

Making Money with Google AdSense takes time. It all depends on the effort the discipline the consistency of the individual wanting to make money with Google AdSense.

Make money with Google AdSense, find out how you can achieve this by following this link Extra Income with AdSense

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AdSense Google Ads - Still a Powerful Way to Make Money and Here is How to Do It

AdSense Google Ads are still the easiest way to make money if done correctly. Placing the most ads without proper planning will not yield results and unfortunately most people expect quick results without doing their homework. There are certain factors that have to be considered before expecting the money coming in.

First off I will say setting up a blog would be the easiest way to get started for anyone who has no presence on the web. and WordPress are the two biggest blog platforms and it only takes a few minutes to get a blog up and running. The more specific the content the more relevant the AdSense Google Ads will be and the more targeted your readers will be.

There are certain things to look for when placing AdSense ads on your website or blog. There is the option to set up ads with text messages or images or a combination of both. In my experience text messages are the most profitable when it comes to sites with mostly written content. Image ads would give you results it the site is mostly video or image based, or if it is about product reviews.

Strategically placing AdSense ads on the website or blog is very important. There are certain places within the site that readers tend to click the most. The most important place would be on top of the content with a 468 x 60 banner, in my experience and after testing with and without the banner. I definitely received better results after placing the banner. Another banner that has been proven to get results is the 300 x 250 medium rectangle placed on the left side of the website or blog. The last mentioned banners are the most important ads I work with, sometimes I can place a 120 x 600 skyscraper but not all the time.

One more important factor to consider is to ensure your AdSense Google Ads blend in within your content. Border, title, background, text, url colors need to be picked in a way that they do not stand out too much within your site and that way readers will click on your ads naturally.

Do not forget to promote your website or blog. If you have no readers then you will have no clicks, very simple. You may use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which involves link building to rank well in the search engines or other methods such as submitting your site to social bookmarkings. Either way you must promote your site to build your readership base.

AdSense Google Ads are still a very powerful way to make money. Apply the tips I have given you plus any other advise you may find. The key is to keep testing and researching to make sure the best results are the outcome at the end of the day. Keep being consistent and do not give up.

Google AdSense a legitimate way for extra income, find out how you can get started Extra Income with AdSense

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Why Use Google AdSense to Make Money Online?

Are you a website owner that generates a good amount of traffic but no revenue? If the answer is yes then there is nothing stopping you from making a passive online income using Google AdSense.

AdSense ads are determined by the content of the page where they are placed so in most cases you should only see relevant advertising that should appear. This entices the user to click on the ads and this is where you make money.

You can assume that each page is like a highly targeted landing page, the more relevant it is, the greater the chance you have of users clicking. It is generally advisable to have a website or blog that is based around a particular niche or theme. This is so that ads are more relevant towards your target audience. Personal blogs tend not to do so well because of their generic content that generally does not have a theme and therefore does not fit in within advertisers' needs.

The key to building a successful online AdSense income is to drive lots of quality targeted traffic. For this you need a combination of high quality content, enforcing SEO best practices, building your brand through readership, and most of all, traffic. Without quality, relevant, highly targeted traffic you will not make a great deal of money online.

Integrating AdSense is very simple, you just point click and copy and paste the code into your website. Be sure to read the terms of service before you embark on the program as there are strict guidelines one must adhere to.

Most ordinary people who are in jobs, housewives, students and even retired people are making a passive income from AdSense. Google has completely changed the dynamics of how to make money online with their program. Visit the signup page now, it only takes a few minutes, you'll be glad you did.

Z Fazal has been writing articles for many years. His website Bathroom Accessories Sets provides information about the various types that are available such as Blue Bathroom Accessories. Visit the website to learn more.

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Google AdSense Alternatives For Webmasters

If you are an Internet marketer who has been using Google AdSense as a source of income, you may have noticed that a lot of changes with Google have affected your earnings. If you would like to keep earning decent income from your blogs and other sites, you may want to look into some Google AdSense alternatives. There are some alternatives which you can use immediately to replace the sagging income a lot of us are experiencing with AdSense.

AdBrite can offer you a lot of the same ad formats that you are used to from using Google. AdBrite also has interstitial page ads which will allow you to monetize more types of traffic and not just traffic cliques. AdBrite doesn't discriminate against publishers because of their size, and welcomes bloggers both experienced and beginners. You will find the ability to sell ads to your visitors a welcome change over AdSense.

In many instances, the small publisher is left out in the cold when it comes to making money with advertising opportunities. One company which will take you without regard to the size of your site is Clicksor. This company not only gives you ads which can be clicked based on keywords, they also serve ads which are content based. This gives you more opportunity to earn money, especially if you're a blogger.

Chitika will give you yet another stream of revenue by placing ads on your site for actual products. You won't be using regular text links. You'll be using their special product boxes which display products related to your site's content. You'll earn commission for each sale made from a click which originates from your site. This makes Chitika a great supplemental income source.

Yahoo created their own ad network called the Yahoo Publisher Network. This service is pretty much an attempt to copy what Google has done, but it hasn't taken off nearly as well. If you have used AdSense, then you know what is in store for you with the Yahoo version.

Adtoll is a worthwhile advertiser which offers something a little interesting. They offer Peel Away Ads along with their regular ads which rest at the top corner of the site. It looks like the website is peeling, so naturally the visitor will move the cursor over the curled page, only to be presented with an ad. It's an attractive and fun ad technique.

Finding Google AdSense alternatives which best suit your needs is going to take a little work on your part. There are plenty of ad networks out there. To find the ones which you like best, you'll have to assess your needs and pair them up with the networks which fit in comfortably with your site.

Buford Mobley is a successful web based entrepreneur who has written a series of articles on AdSense. He also offers valuable information about web based marketing strategies on his website NetBizForNewbies.

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Google AdSense Guide

Google AdSense is the best money making program with a world known company such as Google. Many disappointed webmasters would say that there is no way to make money with AdSense because of competition and because the market is too saturated. The truth is, Google AdSense is still a very good opportunity to make money without having to spend a fortune on advertising if done with patience and consistency.

The key point that has helped me get off the ground with Google AdSense is the will to continue. Do not Focus on the now instead focus on the future. There will be no results at all in the beginning, zero clicks, only a few impressions. It can be very disappointing and this is when many give up thinking there is no way to succeed in this field.

Making money from Google AdSense has to be the result of having a plan where there will be short term goals and long term goals to keep focused. It could be a one week goal, two month goal, six month goal, one year goal. Any future goals have to be realistic and have a solid foundation.

Many aspects have to be functioning together in order for AdSense to yield the results wanted. For instance, the website, or blog has to be updated to keep fresh content. You must have a readership base for the website or blog. The website, blog must be promoted to continue building readership, AdSense Ads need to be properly placed, do not have too many ads. All these aspects have to be well balanced in order to get the results wanted, there has to be a lot of testing and updating to make sure everything is being done to maximize the end product to be of quality which in turn can reflect in clicks and money being made.

The beginning in everything is the hardest part. Once that part has been endured then the results start coming in and that gives the inspiration to continue and build on the foundation already in place. The beginning part may take a long time to overcome or it may be a short time but those who do not give up in the end are the ones who will see success.

AdSense and Blogging is a perfect combination for extra income, find out how you can achieve this Extra Income with AdSense and Blogging.

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One Simple Way to Instantly Increase Google AdSense Revenue on Your Website

When it comes to making money online with Google AdSense, "Less is More". As a pay per click publisher, I've tested it and found it to be true. There is a simple reason why this is the case.

Many people think that putting more AdSense ads on their website will increase click through volume, and therefore increase revenue. However, this method backfires and you actually get the opposite result.

The fact is, the more AdSense ads you place on your site, the more you will have lower paying advertisers featured. The lower an advertiser pays to Google for their ad, the less revenue there is for Google to share with you.

Here's how it works. Let's say for example that there are ten pay per click advertisers related to your website promoting their product on Google. We will break them up into three groups.

Top Level Advertisers: The top four advertisers paying .75 cents per click.

Mid Level Advertisers: The next three down the list are paying .40 cents per click.

Low Level Advertisers: The final two advertisers out of the ten in our example paying only .10 cents per click.

If you only put one group of ads on on your website, you increase the chances of the higher paid advertisers being featured most of the time. Basically, if the group of ads you post on your site features four rotating ads in a group, there is a much higher chance that your first four advertisers paying .75 cents per click will be featured most of the time. Two groups of ads are still usually OK, but I encourage everyone to test it for themselves to see what works for their own website.

On the other hand, if you start to overdo it and place three or four ad groups throughout your site, you may in fact get more clicks, but some of those clicks will be from the lower paying advertisers. I have found that clicks do not necessarily increase with more ads, but revenue usually goes down. Fewer ad groups on your site will also enhance user experience, which will bring long term growth to your revenue as well.

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One of the Major Benefits of The Google AdSense Keyword Tool

Many website owners set up their websites around topics of interest to them and monetize them via the use of Google AdSense.

Google AdSense, for those that may not know, is where Google allows website owners to display on their sites, adverts supplied via the Google network. These adverts are generated by analyzing the theme of the website. Hence, if your website was all about dog training and the articles presented were relevant to dog training, then Google would show adverts targeted towards dog training or dogs in general.

If a person visiting your site happens to click on an advert, the advertiser is charged by Google and the website owner, is given by Google, a part of this advert charge. Given this therefore, many website owners attempt to optimize their sites by using the keywords or long tail phrases that cost the most to advertise on, via Google's pay per click advertising network.

The rationale naturally enough being, that the higher the cost to advertise, the higher their share of any advert served on their site and that is subsequently clicked on. Thus the need for the use of AdSense Keyword tools in order to determine which are the highest paying keywords and phrase to optimize websites for.The obvious and free choice for the majority of website owners is the Google AdSense keyword tool.

By entering your relevant website phrases, Google will return a list made up of your phrases plus those synonyms suggested by Google. When you get these results back, go to the box titled "Choose columns to display" and open up the options, go to the bottom and select All. This now will show the search volume and estimated Cost per Click, you now can use this to judge what best to optimize your website with.

Thus one of the major benefits provided by Google's AdSense keyword tool, is that with that list of high paying keywords, you now have the foundation available to generate a plan of attack on which to build your website. Write articles upon the keywords, build back links and you will ultimately have a well optimised site, that should be rewarded by the various search engines, by a steady flow of organic traffic.

Want to short cut your learning experience? Then click here and check out the Keyword Research Tool that's catapulting my success, plus get your free EBook Marketing for Small Business.

Ray D Harris is a self confessed Internet Marketing addict, who has survived the school of hard knocks and come out the other side.

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Four Ways to Make Money With Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a proven way to make money. One of the advantages is that Google is a legitimate company known worldwide and everyone knows AdSense is not a scam, the key is to set up a solid foundation to get started. I will write about four key aspects that have helped me establish a passive stream of income. I will be honest to say I am not making lots of cash but I know with time and consistency I will get to my goal, not easy but very doable.

First key point is where to place the Google AdSense ads? A website, a blog? Creating a blog is the easiest way to have a presence on the Internet. It literally takes less than one hour to set up a blog depending on the platform used. The two blogging platforms that I like to use are or Wordpress. is the easiest one because it is simple to set up but the issue with this platform would be that there are not many options to make it unique or personalize it so I would say it is best suited for beginners and I must add that it has modules ready for Google AdSense ready to be placed. Wordpress is the one that I mostly use because It gives you more options to make it very unique and you may change many aspects of how the Blog looks depending on the niche. The issue with Wordpress would be that for a beginner it might be complicated to figure out how to use all the different options and it might be frustrating but if you research and take the time to learn all the different functions it would definitely be worth trying Wordpress, and again Google AdSense can be placed on Wordpress blogs but it might take some time to figure out how to do it.

Second key point is ads visibility. Some people think that by making the ads stand out it would equal more clicks and I truly believe that is the biggest mistakes, because readers will know right from the start that the intended purpose is to sell which may drive most readers away from the site. Blend the ads with the background of your site, make sure the ads have the same color as the background, same font, same letter size to make it look like these ads are part of the site themselves, so readers will naturally click on them for more information.

Third key point is to have less ads and more content. This is another mistake I have seen where in some cases where there are more ads covering a page than there is content. A reader will be disappointed to see that the site is more about selling than it is about informing which is what most Internet readers are looking for, information for a specific topic.

Less ads is better because if done correctly the ads will be just another option for readers to look for more information.

Fourth key point that have worked for me is to always place ads on top of the content. I usually place a banner on top of the page or I may place a link unit and I have to say this has worked for me with good conversions.

The above are just some ways that have helped me when using Google AdSense, just more options for your toolbox to use.

AdSense and Blogging is a perfect combination for extra income, find out how you can achieve this Extra Income with AdSense and Blogging.

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An Easy Way to Make Google AdSense Revenue Online

Using Google AdSense is a great way to make a little extra revenue online with your blogs and websites. For those of you not familiar with the program, Google AdSense allows you to place contextual advertisements on your pages. When visitors to your site come to one of your pages and click on an ad, you get paid a certain amount of money. The amount you get will vary, but if you get enough traffic to your site, you can actually make a decent amount of money. There are some site owners that actually make a full time living off of their ad revenue.

Signing up for AdSense is free, although you do have to be manually approved by Google themselves. Once have been approved, you can login to your account and use the online wizard to design how you want your ads to look. Some javascript code will be automatically generated for you which you can then just place on your pages wherever you want ads to be shown. The Google bot will then come visit your site and figure out what are the most relevant ads to show. Usually it does this by looking at what relevant keywords your site revolves around. The ads themselves come from Google AdWords publishers who are bidding on specific keywords on the content network. Depending on how much they bid, their keywords and the quality of their site determines which position their ads are in.

Usually creating these sites is a time consuming and manual process. However, there is a software program called Keyword Elite that can automate this process for you. The newest version of Keyword Elite has a feature called Create Content Pages which will automatically generate a site for you that contains your AdSense ads. Basically, it pulls articles from article directories using the keywords you specify and adds your ads to these pages. You can then copy and paste the resulting html code to an existing blog or just upload them directly to your server. All this takes less than 5 minutes. The only thing you really need to do is send traffic to this site which you can accomplish using good SEO and linkbuilding practices.

There are many ways to make money with Google AdSense. You can incorporate ads into an existing site, or use an automated tool like Keyword Elite to create a site for you. Take advantage of these revenue making opportunities and use it to put a little extra money in your pocket. It's really quite easy.

Keyword Elite can actually do a lot more then help you generate Google AdSense revenue online. Check out the full Keyword Elite review on my blog for a detailed look at this innovative keyword research tool.

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Make Money From Blogging With Google AdSense

Google AdSense is the most common way of making money from blogging. The simplicity of copying and pasting some code to your site means that almost anyone is able to start earning money from their blog as soon as the site is up on the internet.

However, to get the most out of your AdSense placements, you need to concentrate on a few "tricks of the trade", so that not only are you getting the highest number of visitors clicking your ads, but that those ads are paying you the best financial return possible.

AdSense is a Google ads system that will place ads on your site or blog, in any area where you think they are best suited. The ads will be relevant to the content of your site, which is done via Google's search resources.

These searches will scan your site and the content on the site, to determine which ads best suit your subject matter. An example of this would be where you might have a blog that discusses the differences between "Aquarium Fish" and "Tropical Fish". Google will configure your AdSense ads to show links to other sites and products, which relate to "aquariums", "fish accessories", "training books" and a whole lot of other things that are related.

With AdSense, your revenue is basically automatic. There are some Terms & Conditions regarding the placement of ads on any site, and these can be found here. They are not too restrictive, but in order to not have your AdSense account interrupted, or suspended, make sure you follow the guidelines. Once you have your ads on your site, you are good to go, and your blog can start to earn some money for you, virtually on auto-pilot.

With AdSense the whole idea is that when people visit your site and see the ads, they will find them interesting or related enough to click on them.

Each time someone clicks on your ads, you are allocated a fee from Google. This fee (revenue) could be anywhere from 1 cent to many dollars per click, and in further articles we will explain how to get the most from your AdSense clicks.

Unless you are very experienced in the use of AdSense, it is recommended that it is just a good foundation for making money from blogging. It is a great start to any revenue plan.

Using Google AdSense is just ONE method you can use to make money from your blog but it is NOT the most effective!

In fact, many of the professional bloggers who earn multiple six figure incomes from their blogs attribute just a small percentage of their overall income to on-site advertising!

So, if the majority of their income does NOT come from advertising, then where DOES it come from?

I reveal the answer in my FREE ebook Stop Slogging Start Blogging as well as many other secrets the six figure professional bloggers use to make huge sums of money from their blogs!

If you want to find out more about me, David Walker, you are welcome to visit my blog.

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How To Immediately Increase Your Adsense Clicks

Would you like to make one tiny addition to your pages and dramatically increase your AdSense clicks -- perhaps as much as threefold?

It's laughingly simple, yet the effect can be immediate.

All you need is to get some colorful digital photographs, either from your own stock or from a royalty-free web site. Then using a graphics program, such, as Real Draw PRO or Photoshop, create a strip of four rectangular photographs with a space in between each. The overall size of the strip should be 728 pixels wide by about 108 pixels deep.

The content of the pictures should be relevant to the content of your web site. In order not to violate Google's Terms Of Service, you should avoid pictures that are animated, advertisements or induce the visitor to click on the AdSense ads. If you are in any doubt, take a look at the ads on my web site or check with Google's Terms Of Service.

The background color should exactly match the color of your AdSense pages. It helps if you can place a narrow blue border around the individual photo (but not around the entire strip). This arrangement is ideal for a page containing an article and the best position within the page for the picture strip is at the top of the page, immediately below the page headline, but above the start of the body text.

Once you have done this, go to your Google AdSense advert codes and select the one for leaderboard, which is 728 pixels wide by 90 pixels deep. If the 728 pixel width sounds vaguely familiar, it's the exact size of the width of your picture strip. Make sure you delete Google's border code before pasting your leaderboard code under the picture strip, save the page and load it to your server and start enjoying up to three times the clicks on that style of ad.

If you already have the maximum number of three AdSense blocks on the pages, where you insert this picture strip/leaderboard combo, do be sure to delete one of the existing ad groups, so you don't violate Google's Terms Of Service, which only allow three ad blocks per page.

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What Is Google Adsense

Google Adsense is an absolutely fast and ridiculous way for people with any kind of website to display relevant Google ads on their pages to help them make some money.

Google Adsense works very hard to put ads up that relate with what the visitors to your site came to see. Because the ads match up to the interests of your visitors you now have a way to make more money off the content of your pages.

You can also add Google search capability to your site. And with every search you have the ability to put Google Adsense ads on all the search results. Every single page of your website has the ability to earn you extra cash. All of this actually comes with a minimal investment of your time.

So do you have to be picky as to what kinds of ads you put on your site? Absolutely not because Google does all that deciding for you. Google will actually read your page and deliver relevant ads to every page of your site. For example if your page is about relationships then Google will put adds like dating spots or great places to buy wedding gowns on line. If you decide to put a Google search box on your site then Adsense will deliver relevant ads targeted to the Google search results pages that your visitors search request generated.

There are some upgrades that you can get involved with. “Adsense Premium”. This is CPC based and offers less flexibility for add sizes. Banners and skyscrapers are the only ads available. You can apply using your current Adwords account or you can request a new account. You will usually find out with in a day if you have been accepted into the program.

There is however a few things to know. Google has no strict criteria into getting accepted into the Adsense program. They also don’t hit you with a minimum traffic requirement. The one thing they are very sticky about is “acceptable content.” But that’s pretty normal every where.

Google is serious about attracting good quality content sites that it only allows Adsense members one add per page. This simply means that you can’t use banners and skyscrapers on your page but you have to decide on one style. Once you have been accepted into Google Adsense you will be able to use Google Adsense advertising on any pages that you own. You do this by using the same ad codes that you are provided with. Make sure you obey Google Adsense guidelines.

You can check your stats at Google Adsense. However these stats are not in real time but they are updated regularly through out the day. Right now you can’t view reports based on your domain either.

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Using Google Adsense to Make Money Off Your Website

Many sites on the Internet rely totally upon advertising for their revenue. Some sites advertise to help cover server costs and others advertise to make pure profit. Whatever you need as far as revenue for your website, Google's Adsense program can help.

We've all been to Internet sites loaded with pop-ups and defaced with flashing banner ads that hurt our eyes and tell us that we've been selected to win a prize only to click the link and be disappointed. Why do Internet sites advertise this way? It's because people see the advertisement and some (few) want to click on it because of the promise the advertisement has to offer. These Internet sites hope that a few of their visitors will click the irrelevant ads just so they can make a few cents. The idea of offering website visitors a free prize or a million dollars, may seem like a lucrative way of making money through advertising on a site, but it's not the most effective way to bring in advertising dollars.

The key to bringing in money through selling advertisement is to remember who your visitors are. If your site is about automobiles, sure a few of your visitors may click that free prize banner at the top of your page, but chances are not enough people are going to click it for you to make any real good money. Instead, you should focus all your advertisement to be on the subject of automobiles. Perhaps offer advertisement on your website dealing with automobile parts or automobile auctions. By targeting your advertisement to appeal to your average website visitor, your odds of having that visitor click the advertisement on your site goes up.

So just exactly how do you easily find partners to sell advertising to that relates to your website's content? Sure, you could wait around for some automobile parts manufacture to email you and tell you that they're interested in advertising on your automobile website, but there's no guarantee that will happen. Instead, the answer is Google Adsense. By pasting Google's Adsense code on your Internet site, Google automatically sends ads to your visitors that relate to your website's content. When visitors click that advertisement, Google shares the profit with you.

How much can you expect to make using Google's Adsense program? There's no way to tell exactly what you will make. Each Internet site is different, therefore revenue will greatly vary. Although Google has not officially told us exactly how they share the revenue with us, it's been estimated that Google shares 50% of the profit generated off your website.

Setting up a Google Adsense account is simple. You fill in a simple form on their website ( to create an account for free, paste the code onto your website, and fill out a simple tax form. Finding the right ads to place on your website has never been easier. It's all automatic once you paste in the code on your website. More and more websites everyday are switching over to Google Adsense for their advertising revenue. More targeted advertising equals more advertisement revenue!

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Google Adsense And ClickBank Pay Per Click Ads

One of the biggest trends over the last few years has been the explosion of websites built to take advantage of the Google AdSense system.

And when someone clicks on the AdSense ads that you display, a few cents tumble into your account. If you have sites earning money with AdSense you'll know why it is such a good idea.

Then there’s ClickBank. The hottest and most well known affiliate programs network. ClickBank is one of the major players in affiliate marketing online and show every sign of growing in popularity, strength and power in the market.

Clickbank has been around for years and has earned an excellent reputation online. They work as a payment processor and an affiliate program all rolled into one.

Now the most obvious fact with Google AdSense is that you have no idea how much you will get paid for each ad clicked. And while you can get occasional clicks worth a dollar or more, most bring you only a few cents. A more detailed version of this subject can be obtained by going here

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Make Serious Money With Google Adsense

The advent of personal computers have stimulated the power of self-publishing (or the act of producing and putting one’s own writing into circulation) by allowing publishers to easily modify the settings of type and designs at a cut-rate price.

With the dawn of the World Wide Web, it has been possible for publishers to not only adjust designs but also to promote their works and market them all over the world. These works could also be published online at a very minimum cost.

Now, with the arrival of Google AdSense, self-publishers worldwide are in for the revolution of a lifetime.

Google AdSense is a new marketing program launched by, one of the most popular search engines on the Internet. It is a program that offers a simple and quick way for publishers to make money.

And the good news is, this is not only for publishers but also for ANYBODY who has an online site.

Notice that every time you use the Google search engine to look for a particular keyword phrase, you see little boxes on the right side of the search results pages on your computer screen that are relevant to the keywords you have just searched for. These “Sponsored Links” are actually paid ads from website owners whose aim is to direct potential customers to their website, and they pay Google whenever their ad gets clicked.

Now with Google AdSense, everybody can display these same ads on their own website and get a certain percentage of what Google receives from the advertisers every time someone clicked on them. This enables website owners to focus on maintaining and enhancing their website's content pages while generating revenue at the same time.

The first thing to do is to apply for the Google AdSense program. It is not difficult to be in the program, but note that NOT every web site is accepted in it.

After you have signed up and Google has accepted your application, you can already put the Google code on your website and start the revenue stream.

The good thing about having the Google AdSense is that it offers you another amazing opportunity to maximize your earnings aside from the Google ads displayed on your website: the Google Search.

The Google Search box serves as a portal that links your site to the Google web. Adding this to your website not only gives your visitors instant access into Google’s entire keyword inventory, but it also enables you to earn more money – because the Google search is run from your website, the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) is tagged back to you, so you will surely earn whenever your website visitors click on these AdSense ads.

Aside from the great income opportunity, Google AdSense also has the following features and options to offer to its users:

Search Options

You can modify your AdSense control panel to configure the Google search box and control the scope of your user’s search. You can choose to have your visitors search just your website or the entire Google network, or even provide them with buttons that let them perform either search. It’s your choice.


Aside from the standard Google search box, you can also have a customized look and feel of the AdSense program by adding your own logo and making the search box match your website’s color scheme with over two hundred colors available.

Online Support

Of course, will not leave you and your AdSense program without any help or support. In fact, Google will even serve as the host of your internal site search result pages for you at no cost – no need to worry about buying an extra bandwidth or disk space from your Internet Service Provider.

Aside from this, Google will also provide you with online tracking and reporting tools. This will enable you to see how well your own search box is doing for you, including your list of queries, number of clicks and click-through rate, and total earnings.

Google AdSense has truly started an online revolution that has far-reaching effects and impact: it has introduced a revenue stream that actually sets up a website for success. Now, website owners finally have a way to both generate revenues and enhance their content pages.

So for anyone looking to make money with his or her websites, make serious money with Google AdSense.

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